Best Papers Award

SIP2025 is pleased to announce the Best Papers Award to recognize outstanding research contributions presented at the conference. Below are the details of the award mechanism, number of awards, types of awards, procedures, and requirements.

Selection Mechanism

The selection of the Best Papers Award is based on a thorough review process involving multiple stages:

  • Initial Review: All submitted papers undergo an initial review by the scientific committee for relevance, quality, and adherence to the conference themes.
  • Peer Review: Papers that pass the initial review are subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process, evaluating the originality, significance, methodology, and clarity of presentation.
  • Final Evaluation: The top-rated papers from the peer review process are then evaluated by a panel of experts and senior researchers to select the winners.

Number of Awards

A total of five Best Papers Awards will be presented, distributed as follows:

  • Best Overall Paper
  • Best Paper in Sustainable Energy
  • Best Paper in Climate Change Mitigation
  • Best Paper in Green Technology Innovations
  • Best Paper in Social and Economic Sustainability

Types of Awards

The awards will be presented in the following categories:

  • Certificate of Excellence: Each awardee will receive a certificate recognizing their outstanding contribution to the conference.
  • Presentation Recognition: Awardees will be given a special time slot to present their research at a dedicated Best Papers session during the conference.
  • Publication Opportunity: Award-winning papers will be given priority consideration for publication in the conference's partner journals and proceedings.

Procedures and Requirements
  • Eligibility: All papers submitted and accepted for presentation at SIP2025 are eligible for the Best Papers Award.
  • Submission Deadline: To be considered for the award, papers must be submitted by the abstract and full paper submission deadlines.
  • Compliance: Papers must comply with the conference's submission guidelines, including formatting, length, and originality requirements.
  • Presentation Requirement: To qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference by at least one of the authors.

Announcement of Winners

The winners of the Best Papers Award will be announced during the closing ceremony of SIP2025. Awardees will be notified in advance and invited to attend the ceremony to receive their awards.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or further information about the Best Papers Award, please contact the conference organizers at